Daily365, Uncategorized | January 15, 2010 | admin Daily365 #015 Venture I just wanted to say thanks to my parents for the bravery to bring me into this world 28 years ago. Humanity takes courage and you guys have what it takes.
Daily365, Uncategorized | January 13, 2010 | admin Daily365 #013 Triskaidekaphobia Inspired by Miram Webster's Word of the Day for today. Oh and I definitely have no triskaidekaphobia.
Daily365, Uncategorized | January 11, 2010 | admin Daily365 #011 Reach Image credit to NASA. Thanks guys!
Daily365, Uncategorized | January 10, 2010 | admin Daily365 #010 Optimal Bread Coversation with rachel about bread. Fun times.
Daily365, Uncategorized | January 7, 2010 | admin Daily365 #007 Japanda My wife is channeling her cuteness energies through me.